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Syntax Errors:

The syntax error type contains all those errors raised when the submitted message does not adhere to the prescribed formats and manner of specifying data as described in ICAO
Doc. 4444, Appendices 2 & 3; ICAO Doc. 7030, EUR Region; the IFPS Software
Requirements document, and in this document.


Extended Flight Plan Message:

The Expanded Flight Plan Message (EFPM) error type contains those errors raised when
data in the submitted message is inconsistent either with other Items in that message or with the existing IFPS flight plan database, or there is insufficient data to create a flight plan.


Profile errors:

The Profile error type contains all those errors raised where data inconsistencies or violations are found during the calculation of the flight profile of the submitted message.


Route errors:

The Route error type contains all those errors raised where the data format and content in the route portion of the submitted message do not adhere to the prescribed formats and
manner of specifying data, or are inconsistent with the NM CACD.


General Errors:

General Errors are internal IFPS errors and therefore are not visible to external users.


Routing Assistance Errors:

The Proposal Routes tool in the NOP may use all those error message types used in the
IFPS, but it may also use one type specific to the Proposal Routes tool. A number of errors raised are specific to that system alone; such errors are of a type ‘ROUTING ASSISTANCE ERRORS’.


Warning Errors:

The Warning error type contains those errors that are generated to provide indications of difficulties in advance of the introduction of specific new checks to be carried out by the IFPS, e.g. RVSM and 8.33 kHz. Under these conditions, the error message is attached to the output message by the IFPS, but no manual processing error is raised.

Warning error types may also be generated during internal IFPS processing of messages to assist in the manual treatment of messages by the IFPS staff.
